i love all the ice blended in Starbucks exspecially the 'Green Tea Flappuchino '!!!*-*
18th Dec 09 is the Starbucks's 11th Anniversary in M'sia... A Grand celebration was held at Tropicanal Mall , PJ...
*Guests' signatures*
Starbucks invited lot of preety and sexy she-male to perform too!!!
*aren't them really sexy!!!*-*... *
i like the one standing beside me right beside me in the photo....
'she' is just so gorgeous!!!*-*...
guests get to write their wishes for the new year and hang them on the snowy tree....
all the best to my dearest family and friends...^-^
*me and the celebritties*
*Mei yee,me*
Suresh found that he had a secret company called 'Suresh entertainment'!!!XD...
After the camwhore section...
we were served with the free flow drinks and foods...
Everyone enjoyed their foods very much...
i love this scene...
when everyone holding the spoon and the sweetest smile on their faces...
Performances followed up after the eating section too...
First ..
Let us enjoy the sexy dance brought by the sexy she-males!!!*-*...
Then here comes the birthday cake for Starcuckss!!!!
Starbucks officially turned 11 years old!!!!!=D~
*stunning!!!!!!!!! wohooooo!!!*-* ...*
Who is him??
why is he in tat costume???
bit look like gold fish ...hahaha...
but then i love the costume still!!!!
it's just so nice and outstanding!!!!^-^..
the following activity is...
we need to find a partner first...
and Bryan is my partner!!! XD...
we have to DANCE!!!!!!!!! XD...
the guy in yellow stunning costume and the girl in green *his wify* will show us the steps for the dance ...
then we have to dance follow the beats of the music and try to be out stand from the others to be the winner!!!...
*everyone is super nervous now*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MUSIC START~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*i dance like a katak puru*frog* jumping la wei hahaha*
*in learning process...*
*the one with the cute clap hand move is CHRIS... XD*
Competition start!!!!!!!
Everyone did a great job and the crowd getting high too !!...XD
Two couples were chosen to be the finalist and the english couple won the competition !!!
They really can MOVE and SHAKE!!!! *thumbs up*
*the winner*
After that...
there're some entertainment like fire rolling and carolling too...
*they sing really well*
Last but not least....
Here comes the nervous part!!!!!
i was actually busy camwhoring with all my friends and miss the annoucement...
then i heard my name!!!!!!!
'm just really really supprised and speechless...
TOO excited d...huhuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!*swing swing*
*the best dress award winners group photo*
we were asked to do some catwalk too>.<...XD...
*cant see my eyesXD*
'm just tooo tooo happy...
Thanks thanks thanks to Starbucks and judges!!!
muaxxxxxxxxxx~ *-*
*the elegant MC ,me*
*MC's parents ,MC,me*
another thing which actually supprised me is...
the male best dress award winner is the MC's daddy!!!
her parents look really young and stylish!!!*-*
*me ,Dusty*
I love you Starbucks!!!!
muaxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~~ *-*
WAH i see myself in the 'queen of the night's blog worrr! :D
nice event and congrats!~
haha they are sexayy damn why was i on vacation that day LOL..
and congratz babe =) u deserve it after seeing da photos=)
Cant stop winning wor .... LoL
Great happening event! Gonna drink Starbucks everyday liao?
May year 2010 be a great year for ya.
So god damn grand the event...
Too bad me and Samuel miss it =[
Congratz on winning the prize...
luv ur outfit..plain means nice!
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