i stayed in this hostel for almost 2 years...
it's a twin sharing room...
obviously , i'm not alone in my room...
i used to leave my wardrobe locked w/o padlock...
but now ...
i lock it with a mini padlock even i leave the room for just few minutes ...
everything happened continuosly after my first brassiere got stolen ...
and that 's why i stop buying those costy branded brassieres...
Here are all the things happen on me and things that get stolen...
1. 3 brassieres
*they are soo lovely and costy =.( *
2. Chocholates
*2 boxes gone within one week!!! how can YOU eat so fast???*
3. Eggs vegetables ,cheese ,etc.
*even break the egg on my kitty mat....T-T *
4. Brands essence of chicken
5. detoxin packs
*i jot down how many packets left...
YOU still dare to steal!!!>.<*
6. MYR 750!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*YOU #&L(@&R%!!!!i speechless....* T-T
7. animal's skin wallet
* stolen b4 i get to figure out wat skin is that >=/ *
i ever told 2 persons (my roomate and my floormate)
:NOW!! i hang my panty here!!! see la !!!see tomorow the panty still here or not???!!!impossible YOU always steal mine instead of others!!!!'
i was so angry at that moment...
and this happened on me the next day...

lot more things happened on me...
i don't know....
i don't dare to ask YOU...
is ok if YOU want to take my foods w/o letting me know...
please please please !!!!
Don't steal my things other than foods!!!!!!!!!!!
i bag YOU!!!
i 'm not rich enough to share money with YOU!!!!!!!
do you know that how angry i am??
do you know that how difficult for me to ask YOU not to do this again???
please be more understanding and be more considerate...
i ever asked ...
:' did ...you eat my chocholate...?'
i asked YOU once only ...
and that's the only time and also the last time i able to be brave enough to speak out...
maybe ...
that's not YOU...
maybe ...
there's another one who steal my things...
who else...
while only both of us in the room....
while i saw the money yesterday night ...
it gone this afternoon...
YOU told me that you also lost your money...
but why YOU never mention it before i tell YOU my money gone...
Do YOU know that...
this is so obvious now...
for me to know...
who is the one who is stealing my valuable things....
i wish YOU won't be able to read this...
since you never blog...
i wish you read this too...
i don't dare to mention all this in front of you....
i'm facing financial problem if YOU still doing this.... =.(
it's better to be direct..
maybe lodge a police report if the money is a large sum (RM750 is ALOT)
or threaten that you'll lodge one.
I sympathize on your condition.
All the best!
so pity... seriously. if you confirm shes the culprit then go punch her ja :p
waye ,Dosz, thanks u guys a lot...
i did told her tat i reported this to the person incharge in my RH..but..she never admit..and..i have nothing to prove that it was her...=(
just make a police report that u lost the money and tell the police that u suspect who did tht.. let them do the investigation~
anyway, u can always share this with ur bf~ and see if he can help u~ since he's nearby~ ^^
and do u hav to know who i am~?
im posting this as anonymous~
i would like to know who r you is it's ok for you ^^~*
anyway thanks a lot dear...
but she as my roomate...
i means...
i wish to minimize the problem...
yet i just suspect...
and i am still staying with her...
thats wat i worrying bt...=(~*
err.. tell your roommate right in her face? it's no point ranting over here, it wont get things done..
my advice: report to the accommodation office? or just be frank..
all the best!
i ever told her once...she shouted at me and denied...well...i dont dare since that time...~*
i reported to the person in-charge d...she asked me to lock with padlock and if come to the worst just change room...
do you have a webcam?
close your monitor and turn it on and record all the activities at home..
when you have the evidence in hand...just lodge a report to the police..
Or you can open discuss with her but do not make it like you're threatening her as it is a crime to threaten someone.
if she really didn't then that is very scary. but most probably she did lar. but but.. it's really scary. how can a padlocked wardrobe be broken into if she dun hv the key?
omg go change room or change house weh!
hey babe, valueble things dont put it so obvious and try to hide it... lock ur cupboard properly with different locks..
for example: mon wed n friday different lock with tues n thursday.. just exchange it whenever u like so tat they cant open it....
sad to hear that...
by the way i want to date u out for shopping session are u free this week? ^^
akira::yea!! i thought of that too...but..will she realize it??i means..er...it's illegal..coz she will change in the room ...
jess::dear ..nono ...she broke in before i lock with the padlock...last time i just lock it with the key provided...=(
JO:: thx dear!!!!! =D muxxxxx!~*
ooo yea!!i 'm free after this tues !!!where u wanna go nehx???=D~*
you are being harrassed!
Go complain, change room, kill that person...DO SOMETHING..
Gosh I'm amazed u actually tolerated after the first few incidents...
how can ur brassieres be stolen... pervs... no life...
protect urself coco..
good luck with that
this is freaky, but usually u shud make a stand, give firm warning..
one time pain rather thn lifetime pain..
q:y? ppl do things they do?
a: because they know they can
y bully does what he does to a person? Because he knows he can etc...
ink::i dunno who steal my brassiers ...but....i kow who took my foods...and money....and so i assumed...is the same person...T_T
sean::yea...i know...i did asked her...but she didnt admit...and she said that her money got stolen too after i told her...haihz...she will never admit...
ink::i dunno who steal my brassiers ...but....i kow who took my foods...and money....and so i assumed...is the same person...T_T
sean::yea...i know...i did asked her...but she didnt admit...and she said that her money got stolen too after i told her...haihz...she will never admit...
just wanna leave some comment.
You said you padlocked ur wardrobe...
how did your roommate manage to open it since she does not have the key? was the lock broken into? could she have steal ur key?
do u find out any proof that ur roommate is the one who stole all ur things?
mebe u shud check her stuff when she not around...see whether ur bra is in her wardrobe....n see oso whether the detoxin things n other stuff u hilang still there??
i padlock after my money started to be stolen...before that i just lock wth the key provided by the residential hall...
i ask the person in charge ..she said if open by force her key can open mine...so i padlock it d now...=(~*
if by force, she can open ur wardrobe door..sure can see that the door lock got rosak...
wat makes u so sure she is the stealer? just because the room has 2 of u only?
no...i'm not sure bout it...
i dun have evidence at all...
i just suspect...
thats y i didnt do anythg yet...
i just report to the RH person...=(~*
do u have anyone else that u suspect? ur roommate's friends maybe? so far anything else got steal from u?
i find ur case very interesting tat's y i keep reading ur blog...=)hopefully no more things got steal again, coco.
dear...i did ask her...:'did u bring ur friend in...while i 'm not around...?'
she said no...and yes i am sure with the foods...is she ..the one who took them...my chocholate...how can 2 boxes gone???and...gone 1 by 1 not 2 straightly....
so far...
i can just confirm she took my foods before...others...not confirm...
money , my souvenirs from parents , etc....=(~*
dear...i did ask her...:'did u bring ur friend in...while i 'm not around...?'
she said no...and yes i am sure with the foods...is she ..the one who took them...my chocholate...how can 2 boxes gone???and...gone 1 by 1 not 2 straightly....
so far...
i can just confirm she took my foods before...others...not confirm...
money , my souvenirs from parents , etc....=(~*
hmmm u sure she can wear ur bra/panties?
lololx XD
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