today is a real tiring day for me n him...
moved all my things from 4th floor to the 2nd floor...
actually kinda miss my old room mate...
yea we are really bestie last time...
haihz just kinda miss the time when we whole gang together...
anyway...nthg else except the fact...
today ...we run up and down the staircases ...
pity him....
he carried all the heavy heavy one...
left those plastic bags pillow CASE small bag etc.. for me...
Thanks Dear!!! MUXXXX~ *-*
* her part *
* my part *
Isn't it so obvious that i have a looooot of things?????
After that we went to A&W drink root beers and eat onion rings!! XD..

* HEM....too ugly d...XD *
By the way ...onion rings dip into root beer and ice cream is yummy!!~*
then we go eat pizza!!!!
but out of 8 pieces ...we able to finish 4 pieces only...
too full d...
while waiting my roomate to come back for the ice-breaking proces..
i blinged my alaram clock...
welcome to the BLING FAMILY ...
* ignore the second's kaki ...he too tired d... T_T *
it's 1.56 a.m. now...
and she haven't come back...
i think...
no ice-breaking d...
good night...
T_________T ....
that was great, getting a new environment, but some how need some time to adapt it
onion ring put to rootbear...@@
cant imagine..ahahha
cool. shifting to a new environment is really fun! good luck in adapting n enjoyin.. new experience
Calvyn , sean: thx ^^... yea new environment is nice...but i guess she is so friendly till i felt so get used to it d.. XD~*
leonick:: ei is nice nehxxx!!!!!!!=D~*
Calvyn , sean: thx ^^... yea new environment is nice...but i guess she is so friendly till i felt so get used to it d.. XD~*
leonick:: ei is nice nehxxx!!!!!!!=D~*
Wow.. onion rings dip into root beer ... first time I heard of it. Should try it next time. = p
it's really nice one should try !!!=D~*
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