everything moved on like how it should be...
as usual...
i read , eat , sleep and pom pom*bath* ...
until dinner time..
he brought me out for dinner...
* actually i abandoned Mr.Mihun for quite some time d =x *
Today is friday ,
there's a night market nearby leisure mall..
so we decided to eat the famous WAN TAN MEE there...
What is so special ?
The CHAR SEOW is really tasty and the WAN TAN is really HUGE and nice~*
How much per bowl / plate?
MYR 8.00 for the famous wan tan mee with char seow~*
What else other than wan tan mee?
They selling Ban Mee and Char Seow Rice as welll~*
For me , 8/10 !!!=D~*
*come on...nothing is perfect... * XD
They had been published and recomended through media too...
* coments from customers *
After that ...
We just walk around at the night market...
nothing special for me...
coz the longest night market just outside my uni everyday wednesday...XD
but recently...
something which really cute and looks real is moving on the trend...
they have been selling everywhere...
even in the mall...

*thats my hand XD *
those toys are 99% look like the real one...
they have smells too...
the breads and the cakes are soft and smell just like the real one...
since everyone loves this high tech toys so much...
i have a thought..
i'm going to make them edible!!!!!
just poke a hole on the real bread and cakes ...
put the key chain holder inside the hole...
then make it as a decoration when not hungry...
take the holder out and eat when hungry!!!!
isn't it a good idea????
Cinema don't allow us to bring outside food inside isn't it???
now we can bring in pizza , nandos and watever by hanging them in a key chain holder !!!

back to the main topic !!!!!!!!!!
how to be standout in the first place???
when nobody actually know who you are?
Let's him, who i met in McD just now , show you the way...XD
UNIQUE OUTFIT & POSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!XD...
and must be FULL SET !!!!hahahaha!!!XD...

*gosh...felt so guilty now XD...hahaha ..=x *
but...haha..he is really standout among the crowd !!!!!!XD
and thanks to him....
we were distracted and out of the line... -.-'
end up with no 'friend fries ' and Oreo Mc Flurry for me!!! T__________T~*
come on...very exp lerr
bit lorhx...thats y 8/10 oni...XD~*
coco~~u dun so bad larrr
y go capture ppl..~~
hahahaa~~tht wear really....
ahahaaha....going to beach merrr
haha the place you ate looks nice.. =D
and you took a pic of that person's attire... you ar.. lol =D
nick ,ken ,
he attracted me marhx!!!haha !!
got good things must share share !!!
so hor must take down n share wth u all geh marhx =D ;P ~*
Wah lao~ Write from eat Wan Tan Mee till eat McD only mentioned basic to be standout!... -.-"
shinky::yea maaaa must describe my day first ma !!XD~*
I saw before a guy wearing that same full set of 'unique outfit' in Singapore Funan IT Mall! Really Center Of AttractionxD
Nice outfit that guy. By the way Coco, for EasyHits4U, you need to surf other people's blogs using their surf 1:1 and then people can visits yours too. You can also earn if you have banners which people can click and visit your blog
fairy::SAME OUTFIT???seems like...a new fashion -.-'' XD!!!
kruel:oooo...thanks a lot !!!!=D~*
he standout indeed ahihi
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