For those who judge me by appearance...
yes...i 'm just a typical Penang girl...
but today...
i can shout out loud!!!!
:' I'm a Standout in Life!!!!!!!!!!! '
huhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ XD
First ,
since i was born ...
my hairstyle was either BOTAK or BOYCUT...
sidement never longer than ears...
i never try to keep long hair until i reach 17++...
* which is after Form 5 ..no more hair style rule *

* photo of me when i was very very very young *
*my mummy let me wear dress...still look like a baby boy...T_T *
* photo of me when i am 16 years old *
i never wear skirt or dress other than the school uniform...

i dun like to wear sponge brassieres too coz i don't like my breast to be seen...
i have a lot of girly clothes and hair clips and accessories from my mummy...
but i don't like them...
i always wear a shirt and a pants...
i am a volleyballer...
so i have tanned skin...
my secondary school don't allow to keep long hair...
ha!!! good for me !!
coz i don't keep long hair at all...
i'm the decipline teacher 's pet student XD~*
*coz i never break the rules*
things change when i turned 17 years old...
i started to put on every single accessories i have...
i started to put on lipgloss....
* i have lip gloss only since i don't have money to buy cosmetics yet *
i started to pose ....
even before i go to bed...
i still put on the earings can pose pose pose....
even pull down my pyjamas to look more stylish and girlish... -.-'
* he told me : ' EIII??this one ma ur pyjamas lai??? -.-'' y wear in that way one???-.-''' *
even after bath...
i go to my wardrobe to find a suitable cap to match my bathsuit and camwhore...
i ever dressed up like the member of the seafood ...
From 17 years old on...
i had been transformed into a more ladylike girl...
no more boyish attitude...
no more plain shirt and pant ...
but still...
i like to pose wth those freaking funny poses...

*these photo taken at dragon-i in Pavilion...people around looking at me like i 'm the crazy one *

i can draw quite well...but not very well....

* drawn for the sch 's drawings exhibition when i'm in form 2 *
i'm the only girl in the paintball team...
and i'm the only one who didn't get shoot by the others...
and i did head shot my friend...

*girls...hide in a safety place all the time is the secret for not getting shoot*XD
in hostel...
pets are not allowed...
but ..i owned a pet ...
and nobody know his existance....
until one day...
i brought him to bath in the basin...
and a nigerian shouted...
*HEM...never see people take bath ka???shout so loud for wat ??-.- *

* he said bye bye to me d... T__________T *
i wear pyjamas all the time in my house....
i want to wear in my hostel too...
but for some reasons...
better not...

* all my pyjamas are with kiddy patterns * #^-^#
When moody..
me and him will throw everything out ....
and when i tired after the fight...
will just lye down on those clothes...

* he is the one who tidy up everything...how sweet he is...muxxx you !!!*
i am a light bulb all the time ....

* i actually got screwed... * T_T
i like to eat SCORPION and WORMS...
I am a LUCKY STAR...
when no taxi is around...
i always jump with both hands and legs up like a star...
then i can catch a taxi ...
and and....
I caught a BABY ABALONE!!!!!!

i take people's photo when they not looking good =x...

* opps!!! paiseh har ....=x don't whack me if YOU see this ...*
i loves costume ....

*i won the title of the night with my costume and my very own DIY SAPU DOLL *

i LoVE making things into a love shape for him...

i have bunch of cute friends....

* they purposely make me stand behind T_T *
i have a cute HIM!!!

* luv u forever baby !!muxxxxxxxxx! #*-*# *

Never know being a lightbulb also can be so standout. lol
I just love your pet =O
hahaha..ur teacher's pet..=p
btw..congrats on the changes!! u r doing well!!
err..got one picture with ur big mouth..errr...u very funny lahh..
andnnd...doog luck and all the best to ur relationship!!
josh::haha XD~*
J'z ::thanks...i luv him too..but ..=( he die d...~*
leechon::hahaha well..tat photo ...erm... #^-^# paiseh la...but i really like to pose those funny pose haha XD ..
btw...thanks a lot !!!mux!~*=D
yes keroro ??XD~*
You look so cute when you're small XD
haha nice!
it's wonderful to see how you're grown till date..
all the best! =D
thx ken!!=D~*
wa.. lucky u revert back to lady type after ur 17..
good to see the changes~
I had just made the same post.
Hope to see you there!
hahaha yea XD~*
thx a lot !!!
*bumping to ur post now XD*
gals keep long hair better..
hi sean XD
haha better if not there's goin to be more than 20+ aunties calling me :'ah boy ah ah boy !!' XD~*
haha! you and ur boyfriend are so sweet XD
haha yea he is really cute too !!!XD~*
anyway thx dear !!*-*~
Wow you grow so fast!
... maybe will old fast too? :P
hey dear.. really a nice post !!!
being authentic and being in present thats always YOU!!! the coco i knew....always so sweet and cute! LOVE YOU ~~~~
appreciate every single thing in ur life... bcoz all of it just so PERFECT !!! *HUGZ*
hahaha I like this post, very cute and funny la u!
shinky: er er i wish not!!!T____T
jo::thanks a lot dear!!!i appreciate the moment we girls together too !!!miss u all so much =.) ~*
eh hey never noe u r once a lalamui oso... kaka XD
niway proud to be ur buch of CUTE frens. =D
Highlighted: Cute~ XD
cass, night::haha txxxxx girls!!!MUXXXX!!!~*
night ::hahahaha u la u la...haha some more edit there 'ke lian ren'
hahaha u cute XD~*
Always been so~
isn't it? ;p
haha yes dear !! come on!!! we form CUTE gang together!! =x
thick faced sistas!
gangED up. =D
omg, i read yours when you posted and now i read back like something alike like that..damn...but i am not good at drawing..wtf..hahaha..i like your drawing that you posted, looks really real :)
heeee, nice post ehh.. get to see a glimpse how u were since last time.. but u certainly change alot in a good way..
keep up the good work ohh..gambateh!~
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