this is the very first time i shoot potrait...
Dear all ,
u're welcome to gv some coments...
so that i learn more and try to improve myself =D...
Model : Eva , Hitomi

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Special thanks to Eva , Hitomi , Mike , Jackie , Ken , and Alex ~*
the 2nd pic is not bad...but the rest is very weird, my i can't really pinpoint to say...its not very natural...
Of cos, this is a viewer opinion^^
kelvin: i also like the secong the feel hor...=D
not very natural as in their poses marhx? hmmm maybe they're not into those model industry ..but then they really did their best and for me they did a good job too!! =D
by the way thanks orhx kelvin!=D
hey look so great weh!!! =)
i mean your photography =)
very nice^^
nic :thanks nic!!!=D
thomas: thx bro!!!=D~*
no.9 is awesome! love the pose.
lol.. nice one.. but i think the props are not good.. a guitar?? number 14.. its an electric guitar.. not a cello la.. lol.. so weird la.. =P
the rest.. nice la.. can be improved.. all the best coco! =)
*cough cough*...not she not good in posing...u r asking her do all d weird pose
You got the photoshoot part down, now time to get the Post Processing part done too. Once you've got these two part down, you'd be ok. All it takes after that is practice.
Coco~I prefer the pic 5. She looks like a model in that pic. That's a good try for other pics. Jia you...
play the guitar like a cello...
great pics.
Woah. not bad!
Not bad not bad... However i think u should brush up ur skills on flash usage. I like the 12th pic....
I would like to give some comment, I think maybe all model stand in center of the picture, mostly... Maybe can try to avoid all stand in the center/mid of the photo, will be a little bit nicer.
My silly opinion.
Hi, just dropping by... Nice pictures. Had to do something like that in my last semester =( Not easy! Good job though =)
dvst:yea yea i think time will try more angles =D thanks orhx!=D
su:thx dear!!=D
cool shots!
小澤 (DSvT) said it correctly, all the model's composition are in the center, try to composite them off center , use The Rule of Third.
On the other hand, the usage of flash seems to create harsh facial expression and shadows. try to use build in flash diffuser or external flash.
However, overall is a nice sets of photos, u did a good job~ ^^ continue with the good work.
Jus my 2cents only, hehe, not a pro also , but keep leaving C%C. Hope u dun mind.
Hey there, i came from innit,
I felt that you can make the photos better by cutting down the background and put more focus on the model instead,
the background turn into distraction for most of your pics,
but i like your creative approach of the pics, it has style...
keep practice on the composition and i believe you can be a good photographer
soul of circus,bonbon:
thanks for the coments!!! i appreciate them!! and yea i will def try the rule of third and also will more caresul when comes to the background !=D
I like #6 and #10!
wow. you're a pro photographer! :D i also wan DSLR and do photoshoot! ~_~
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