4 of us went to hunt for our costumes...
Angela , Victor , Yvonne and ME ! *-*
* too bad ...he dun wanna to go...T-T *
so , let's talk about the journey of hunting costumes now! =D
As usual , photo of me before depart...
*OMG...my eye over pose la>.<...looks YAM... ==*
Here comes Yvonne ...
she looked gorgeous with her new shirt !!!*-*
*bz'ng make up'ng..*
she has a real cute make up pouch!!*-*
Angela.left , Victor.center , Rose.right( owner )...
*ignored my excited ugly face==*
There're too much of standout nice costumes..
we can't actually made up our mind which one we want...
Rose , the owner ,
she recomended this to me...
it's nice...
but i just don't like my boobs being so HUGE ~.~'
*i dun like my breast to be seen since small XD *
*the McD costume is really standout !!XD*
*ignore my fat face har XP *
i love this Rome costume soooo much!!!!!!*-*
i really going to choose this at first..
but the girls told me that this is not standout enough ...
this pretty pochohuntus is really sweet and friendly...
i love her unique features which really suit her costumes ...
i think she gonna attend a costume party too!!
all the best dear!!!!!^^
we girls got our ideal costumes...
and i cannot reveal what are our costumes yet hehe...=x
check out my coming post ...
and you will see how standout we are!!! XD...
Then we have our dinner at Nandos ,Sg Wang till they close XD...
omgggg...u pimped your cameraaa
u look good in the costumes!
chris::yea is nice maaaaaaaa XD~*
renaye:: thx*-* i like the rome costume too.... *-*
Am so excited about tomorrow's party leh!!! Hehehehe...=)
i can see something sticking out the paper bag :P hahaha like a pair of wings or something. See you there coco :)
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>.< omg...
er er...it's a...a..leg==...
a green leg...==' XD ..=x...
hahahaha jk XD~*
*i dun like my breast to be seen since small XD *
lol serious ma? i thought girls like to show off.. haha..
and ehhh!! you know angela wan ar?? haha.. the red dress seems elegant.. the rome one looks simple and sweet.. =)
ken ::yea arhx i know angela XD!!!u kno her too hor???XD~*
btw: u look beautiful in red! coco
See You Tonight!!
U looked like princess in that red dress.... cun!
wa..wear so pretty go ar..
i wear casual only wor..
hallo there..wow, your standout costumes are nice. I normally get mine from tailor, and quite troublesome. Anyway, do you have the adress of that costume shop? Thanks a lot.
char bo, u looks gorgeous in all the costumes...i personally like it a lots.....chio!!!
ohh man! if u reveal which costume at least i manage to see which one are u in the party... =)
dear all i will update my post bout the party once i got the photos ok *-* luv u all muaxxxxxxx~*
OMG... where is the place you got all the ccostume, is there such shop in KL? tell me tell me tell me.. xoxo
Geee...the dresses look nice though.
u looked nice in that red dress... =)) I would love to know the address to that costume shop too..There's no such shop in Penang so I ended up going there without dressing up..
wow dear~
u look on those costumes leh!!!
hehehe..nice post u have here~~
btw, u r really photogenic!!
may I know where do u get the costume??? please~~~
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