*waiting mummy *
then , we went to eat something while waiting daddy to bring us for dinner...
durians lovers will definitely go for durians during the durian season XD...
there're lot of durians stalls opposite my residential area...
mummy dislike durian...
besides mummy ...
my family members are durians lovers...
i like to eat durian too..
but i hate the smell...=='
if i eat then i can bare wth the smell...
if not...
don't eat durian in front me... XD
unless ...
u wanna share with me...
*winks* v(^-^)...
he loves durian too...*-*
'DURIAN GAS' which excreted out from our body can really drive us to the pengsaness*faint*...
around 7 something in the evening...
we went for dinner !^^
each time i back to penang...
as i mentioned before...
i had boy-cut hair style for my past 17 years...
leaving to study in kl when i'm 18...
daddy mummy always tell me this supprisingly...
:' luilui.. ur hair so long d orhx...'
i still wish my hair to grow faster and longer *-*...
by now...
i can officially say Good Bye to my...
HAIR EXTENSION norhxxxxxx!!!
HUHUUUUUU!!! v(*-*)v ...
P/S:: girls who interested with my hair extension can pm me orhx!! =D
ur hair extension is for sell right now ar?? kekekke...how much it costs??
yes dear XD..i'm selling it norhx now.... i bought it at MYR 120...so now selling it at MYR 70 orhx...
i wore it 2 times only so it's still in a very good condition XD~*
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