only sincerity and the bond formed ...
will always keep us from not forgetting each other...
and this is what 'Friend' truly means....
Adeline going to Aus this coming July...
80% of my friends had been seperated ...
but still...
we do gather when we're back to our hometown...
and for this time...
is actually a farewell for our dearest Adeline...
take good care of yourself my dear...
All th best to you!!!muaxxxx~ *-*

Thanks to him...for driving me up and down ....muaxxx!~*

*me with Rainbow*

*Adeline in green stripes...*
miss you dear *-*...

*Sunset Bistro*

thanks to him again for the new pinky porch!*-*
Dear all....please stay tuned for my complete post about the farewell party...
i'm jus too tired today to upload those photoSSSS ***
* A LOT A LOT of photossss * XD..
good night ~ muaxxxxx~
my high school friends also separate edy.. lol rarely meet up with each other these days.. =)
ya~ Friends may come n go^^ Please dun sad sad ya..u guys can meet up again whn all of u gather at hmtown right?? Do cherish the happie moments tat you all had and u will feel better^^
ken,lisa::yea like that de..when grown up and work d...all sit at the same table...all diff career ..very interesting XD~*
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