as usual we made cards for daddy...
*-* <--- this is how my daddy look like when he received the cards...
he very very happy!!=D
Daddy , i love you!!<3>
nowadays... i noticed got a lot of weird weird funny looking insects like to sneak into houses...
i read few post from few of my friends' blog...
they had been visited by those strangers insects too... >.<' and today...AFTER*** i finished bath...
i realized that he was standing on the wall staring at me ...
*i assumed that he IS staring at me*
SEE!! isn't he looks like he is staring at me?
and he look strange ...
i never meet this kind of insect before ...
Went to Queensbay Mall ...
walked around and had lunch at Chopper Board...
i like the salad cup there.. very nice *-*
*me and my bro (^-^)v *
*me and him*
and i bought a studded belt at Forever 21...
ok dear all...
got to go sleep now..
today very tired orhx X-X~*
night dear all muackss!!!!!!!!!*-*
OMG, what is that thing??!!
*faster runs away*
the bug is cute! =D
never been to queensbay mall.. haha..
that insect really looked weird..
beetle + butterfly?
and wah.. your nail super long leh..
wah lau..miss a few blog so much.~
damm fast ler you~
=__=" i though you will show ur dad's picture =__=" Sekali see itu frog..(is it frog??)
DC::is ASSASIN BUG LEH!!! FEEDS ON BLOOD LEH!!!OMG HOR!!!! my friend told me one ..scary loo...X-X
ken:the bug is NO cute at all ok== sucks blood one leh!!!!!!=='
by the way next time u come la XD..
dolly::NONO!!is not neither beetle nor buttlefly ei!!is assasin bug la!!!X-X...
opps...and my nail ..yea XD..but then got 3 short de orhx for bowling XD...
taufulou::hehe u must everyday visit me norhx XD..
elaine::haha dear no la...and hor is not a frog >.<' is bug lai ...very dangerous bug X-X~* er...*i assumed la * XD haha coz my fr told me it feed on blood ei!!!@@'
what is that? mini-crab? haha
FINAL CONCLUSION!! the strange weird looking insect is a STINK BUG!!!! XD~*
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