this is how i look like when leaving my sweet home and dearest family to a far far far far place to study...
*KL is 4 hours from my home...so it's very FAR...*

okay...basicly he looks so cute even when he is crying the same way i did...
people will feel that he is soooo cute and will go and hug him..
:' owwwwwww...baby baby...don't cry...sayang sayang...'
everyone will be looking at me like -.-'.....
:' can you stop your freaking ugly crying look PLEASE ?!!! '
* we should always be polite ...*
4 hours journey on the GO again....
as usual..
sleep like a piggy in the bus ...
till my neck cramp and butt pain...
and whenever there's a stop for us...
for sure i will go to the toilet ...
and buy some titisss 'tibits i means'...

but ...
this time the bus uncle is soo KIND enough ...
park so FAR ...
maybe ...
he having good intention...
let me walk further...
1 minute exercise before the neck cramp and butt pain again...
Once reach KL...
we went to times square...
by tansport ' 11'...
we were asking for cab all the way to times square...
times square was just a stone throw from us...
then we just walked there...-.-'
we went for the X-men movie ...
the movie not bad...
i believe ..
there's going to have another episode ...
it's impossible for Victor to give up...
and where's cyclops X-men???
perhaps will be appear in the coming episode!XD~*
After that, we decided to have some Krispy Kreme Doughnut as snack after dinner...
i was so happy and can't wait to taste this thumbs up doughnut...
i went for the opening ceremony...
but i haven't try it...
since everybody Q'ng crazily just for the doughnut ...
i just gave up that day...
Eventhough Krispy Kreme was in its second week in Malaysia..
people still Q'ng patiently for the hot doughnuts...
while waiting for my turn...
i enjoyed taking the photo of the doughnut making process...
those doughnuts are so cute!!
they are arranged in line and ready to go for the make over...
they have to pass by the sugar pouring process...
which which...urgh....
i wonder how those elders going to consume such high sugar content doughnut...
O!! yea !! they're giving out the original grazed doughnut to each of the customer while we are Q'ng...
i think this should be one of their way of promoting their original grazed doughnut...
5 minutes later~~
>.< !!!!
* INSULIN producing !!! *
the doughnut taste nice...
TOO sweet for me !!!! >.< '
Note: ' Hey ! Spectre!!! Don't eat too much eventhough it's free and nice arhx!!!Diabetes=x*
Here comes the topic of the day!!!
55!!! =D~*
5th of May ...
Our day of togetherness!!~~
09 is the second year we had been together...
he is always the 'He' i will mumbled at when i am lonely...
he is the 'He' who i want to be with when i am moody...
he is the 'He' i will be scolding at yet say sorry back ...
he is the 'He' i will punch without using my strength...
he is the 'He' i will always see in my sweet dreams...
he is the 'He' as my Romeo if i am Juliet...
he is the 'He' as my Hero whenever i'm in trouble...
he is the 'He' as my opponent when comes to the who love who more matter...
he is the 'He' i miss...
he is the 'He' i love...
* OF course not forgetting my Dearest daddy mummy and zai zai... i love you all too!! *
today is Tuesday...
which means he still need to go to classes...
but the celebration still on after classes...XD~*
* waiting waiting~~ * *-*v
kesian la that babi... oops i mean baby let you use his pic till so. wei donut is free mea?
LOL ~~ u didnt read clearly one norhx!!!i said they give out ONE doughnut free for EACH customer oni nehx!!!!XD~*
oklo. bring whole family go collect doughnuts.
"O!! yea !! they're giving out the original grazed doughnut to each of the customer while we are Q'ng..."
you said each customer ma. never say how many also. haha. nvm la. i ask whole bus ppl go. hahaha
wei specky gor i serious one...is really one for each customer larhx!!!but...u try d din buy nehx...u sendiri feel paiseh norhx..~*
i buy 1 lo after try
buy 1 get 1 free. no prob ma
haha the crying baby pic is hilarious and cute! XD
gor::yea can also!!that day i bought two oni...vry vry sweet...>.<
ken:: haha yea XD~*
nvm la. i am fat enough to digest. you bad la. eat never treat me
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