i slept for few hours perday...
even slept for oni one hour before go to exam some other activities...
eat anytime i feel like eating
*thats y super f.a.t. now xD*
i am tired...
but 'm really excited and enjoyed my life to the max!!!!*-*
and yea!!!!!!=D
just to inform all my dearest friends...
'm now starting to learn guitar!!!!!!
this is my new baby!!!!!!!!!
'm learning all by myself by google and youtube ....
some of my friends helping me to brush up my basic skills too!!!
i'll be upload video of me playing the guitar soon!!!!
*the beginner songs XD*
Nice guitar! what brand is it?
thanks dear:D:D:D it's legacy..some china brand i guess xD~!*but vry nice!!~*
i started learning the guitar last year from a class (in college). Then, i stopped because my course was tough last time.
Now my guitar is sitting in my room with dust all over it. LOL!
Hey dear~Seem like you are kinda busy there. But you still able to learn guitar by your own. So geng ar~
I also wanna to learn~
How much you bought for the guitar?Hehe...
good good.. am waiting for the video~ hehhehehee
ZD:LOL!!!!u har!! wasted d norhx?? i also one nehx..i learn organ learned till grade 4 oni left aside jor xD~*
junecc!!it's been soo long time la dear!!!!how r u?????the guitar itseld cost 230 after discount dear!!!u wan learn???come come!!!:D~*
dd:heheeeXD..u see the preview d right dar hahahaha XD~*
haha ....... wondering when will u b able to post the video nehx .... LoL
It's a good buy for this guitar, sounds not bad and nice to hold. Just watch more and play more, will improve your skills without attend any classes.
So when can spec heard u play live music? arh ?
Fuihhh. welcome to the taylor swift club! hehe. start with teardrops on my guitar, then colbie cailat's falling for u. ez n damn effective ;)
Can't wait to watch your guitar videos! ~
I'm fine overhere. Still a bit busy lately with those assignments. Aih~
Can consider to buy guitar and learn it. MAybe someday. Will look for you for sure if I wanna learn. FOC one?Haha...
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