i always want a really girlish room with all the glamour pink stuffs...
i love PINK =D....
actually as long as it's bright and colourful...
then i luv it!!!!=D
I went to night market to grab some foods that day...
and i saw one stall was selling these cute wall papers....
i wanted to stick my ugly plain partition plate and wall very long time ago...
and since they're selling the stickers in a really reasonable price...
i bought some back and start the stick stick action!!! =D
*ignore my messy hair*
These stickers can be tear out when you feel like change another one...
make sure you compose the right place and angle first before stick the stickers on the wall...
once the sticker sticked on the wall...
they shouldn't be take off untill you wanted to take it off forever...
the stickers is not so sticky anymore after you take out ;) ~*
*The stickers WON'T leave any scars on the wall *
DANG DANG DANG DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~
Nice or not????
i love it !!!!!
The one in the middle with lot of empty space one will be fill up soon ! XD
i can camwhore in my room!!!!!!! =D
P/S: i open my air-cond at the lowest celcius 24/7 *sometimes off* XD.... thus this expression is not fake one orhx !! LOL~*
looks like i photoshoped it right????
NO!!!! it's NOT!!!! it's my WALL STICKER!!!!!
huhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *_________________*v
LIKE IT???? Faster go buy and deco your room now !!!!=D~*
Hahaha.. not bad not bad. Come deco my room for me :P
It's so.....nice and cute. I heart that. Especially the bicycle.
omg it's so lovely! <3
kawaii betui la ..... memang creative !!!!! haha ..... especially the pic wit ur personal glasses !!! LOL
where u get tt from , dear dear ?
Wow, really nice and pretty! My room seriously need some decoration like this... come help me? :)
hahaha thanks dear all!!!!
masako:dear its from my pasar malam hahaha xD...
Irene:CAN!!! WHERE???hahahaha~XD
Niceeee one! Love it! ^.^
But after decoration I think have to fence the wall up otherwise my naughty kids will tear them up the moment we put them on. :)
pasar malam? ermm... USJ no pasar malam de.. :"(
sad.... very da sad ....
Hey dear! Nice work! You've got an artistic side in you! hehe..
Yer... duwan help me?? *sobs* LOL
Can never understand why girls like pink. Would u like a guy more is he is a pink avatar?
Kelvin:WUAAAAAAAAAA i would definitely like him norhx !!!!XD
Irene:hahaha yea yea this one memang easily tear outone norhx xD...
masako:aiks u come to counnaught here come come!!!:D
yee:thanks hun!!!!:D~
Dan:CAN ALSO !!!!when and where LOL!!!
Oh I linked you in my blogroll dy! hehhee...
OMG! this is truly girlie! lol!
BBO:HEHEHEE *-* vry comfortable d now :D:D:D~*
After seeing your nice + cute room , i decided to clean my bat cave room . However if coco can help me , it will look much better XD
ermm... can consider..tonite right the pasar malam?
lovely...heheheeheh... must go visit ur room with my winter jacket lo.. REALLY FREEEzing~
Eh.. My gf also got 1 that strawberry patong on your bed... ^.^
Nice deco..love the bicyle sticker..how much did you bought it?which night market?I saw like this sticker too but it is japanese theme...really nice and cheap too
my room need deco oso
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