Will you willing to risk your life for the citizens?
guess most of us will say 'No' right?XD...
i means like if for family or friends or wife or husband...
yea..will definitely go for it...
*most ppl will still say no *
Human are so selfish MOST of the times...
i'm touched with the action took by Denze Washington in this movie...

anyone kno about Skin Renew??
isit good???
should i go and trim my eyebrow too????
*inspired by Junn *
What trim eyebrow la?I Thot ur eyebrow already nice..But if u go there to see on how they trim it & go home practice it.. then it will be a great idea.
haha dear!!u sounds very supprised XD..my eyebrow wont too shapeless ma??if the current one is ok..then i dun wan waste money d..i always plug the extra hair oni didnt kno how to shape XD.by the way thx dear!^-^
Why trim? ur eyebrows look nice from ur pic. They says pretty girls always look prettier in person, so eyebrows will be nicer den ur pic's too(^.^)
Kelvin:hahaha thx thx #^-^# then i dun trim d!XD~*
alot ppl watch this movie ha~
dis movie nice ma !!XD~*
your eyebrows are nice la dear! No need to trim =)
thx babe!^-^
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