Friends are meant to be together and seperate one day...
they will never be with us forever...
when we heard complaints...
about being used by friends for some reasons...
i alwyas think that...
Doesn't friends always using us?
and we did back the same way too??
yes.. this is the fact...
let's see...
when we're sad...
we need friends to lent us their shoulders or ears...
when we 're bored...
we need friends to accompany us ....
even when we're happy...
we need friends to share with...
Weren't all this counted in ??
we always love the nice words ...
we choose to listen and agree with all the compliments ...
but ignore those bad words or advices which doens't sound nice...
'friends' had been used to describe someone who are close to us...
someone who always ready to be with us when we need them...
someone who we always think off when comes to certain circumstances...
someone who might influence our decisions....
someone who we prefer to listen to than our dearest parents...

When we make mistakes...
friends DON'T REALLY help much....
parents are the one who will solve our problem not matter how hard is it...
friends give advices...
but they can't actually help us like how our parents do...
maybe some really nice buddies will do...
but how many friends of us willing to sacrifice for us?...
think wisely...
ONLY when comes to benefits...
they will...
a better way to say...
they're 'friends' ...
instead of we are actually using each other for our own purposes...

i love my friends...
exspecially my girl friends...
at least the sweet memories with them ...
WORTH to be happy and statisfied....
miss you all babes!.. ^-^
true. we used people vice versa. though friends can't help much, parents also can't help much either. most of the problem i'm in my family never help me, in fact, i sometimes have to solve their problem which sometimes makes me feel to tell my parents to grow up. that is why whenever i have problems, i never share with my family because they not only didn't help me but criticize me in a way that drives me further to depression. so i rather keep quiet.
i got a couple of good friends, they helped a lot, in fact more then my parents and sometimes we give sarcastic remarks to each others and we got the understanding between us in a lot of matters.
I want a girlfriend though:(
Cool friends:)
Pretty faces:)
true also...although not in my case..but i do understand how u guys feel...sometimes...out thoughts always different from the parents ..when we think that we're doin great with right decisions and they think that we making all the stupid mistakes..sometimes..we,ourselves are the one who have to be strong and face our problem and sometimes nobody can help us accept the one who facing problems ...
all the best dear all!~*
having girlfriends around feels soooo good actually.. T__T
yea orhx dear..y sad nehx?~*
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