i can skip from taking this Iberet Folic for one day...
this supplement which provide iron and B complex is not just a capsule...
after i consmed it...
i must wait for at least 2 hours before taking my breakfast!!
which means i need to wake up early in the morning at 5 o clock to take this capsule daily...
yesterday morning i had vommited gastric juice since i didn't eat anything yet...
i vommited due to the gasses rushed out from my trachea after the capsule had been digested...
it just taste like the rotten egg yolk...
and i always smell like a skung due to the gasses expelled...
now i need to skip one day and reset my time...
and now i need to consume the capsules 3 hours after my dinner...
perhaps after dinner ...
the capsule will b digested together with the foods...
i hate the rotten egg yolk gasses!!!!
nightz dear all...
why must u eat tat? r u lack of iron?
Take care:)
Wow... wake up at 5o'clock and take medicine really jia lat~~
I wake up at 6.30 to go work already beh tahan....
Take care. Next time gastric, drink some hot milk. Might helpful, but not always.
*Advanced by my doctor last time*
You got s stomach problem.
Take care OK.
I also have my health problem...
I guess everyone do have some problems...judging to the foods we eat today and also to our lifestyle!
If we can adjust on all these, I guess the health problem that we are facing will improve!
Coco, you must find the right formula and the course of roof of this happening! OK
yoon see:yea dear..my stomach cant absorb all the nutrients easily ..so i had some problems too when consume those supplements ..by the way i will take good care of myself o..thx dear!^-^
Kelvin::yea i lack of iron and also low in red blood cells...there's no other replace this as this is the fastest way to improve my level haem level...i having abnormal level of low haemoglobin...
steven:yea milk sometimes did help but i always forgot to drink =x..hehe..by the way ..they told me not to drink milk cause it will disturb my absorbtion of iron ..
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