redeemed one free plate of sushi too ...
he worked for sushi king before...
as a part timer after his SPM years ago...
i remembered...
he told me the 'Golden Ball' very gelly~~~
then i really keep myself away from it....
mana tau....* who knows...*
i fall in love with the 'Golden Ball' after my first try....
for those who don't know what is golden ball...
it's actually a hard boil egg inside golden fried skin with crab meet and mayo on top...

really yummy~~~ *-*
first this is what she told me...
when she saw my beloved bling bling stuffs...
:' ei...bling till like dis for what?? i don't bling my handphone one...'*smile*
at first i thought she really hates bling...
or ..
maybe she jealous my bling bling cam *-*...
few weeks later....
after her few hours pasar malam walk...
her chat box popped out from skype....
:'' EIIIIII!!! YOU SEE YOU SEE!!!!!...''
*photo sending process ....*
this is like OMG...
if her 'ice cream' not having the function of word appearance on the cover...
and if she even bling the camera lens...
this whole pinkish things...
i guess no one knows what is it....
till she open it and say 'Hello..'...=='
this girl...
the one who always come out with something we never expect...
she actually brighten my days ...
from a pink hater to a pink lover , me...
had conned by this little canny... ~.~'

F&N actually produced nice carbonated drinks like fresh orange etc...
but to be honest ..
i don't really like this... =.(
it taste sour and too sweet ...
oh yea...
my tissue box is pink too !!*0*
*ignore my toes... i actually purposely hide my big toe...XD *
*continue stone with my labtop.....*
arlo arlo my dear CoCo~~
how are u over there??
wow wow..i like your fren's hp with the bling bling stuff's really OMG's perfectly done..
hmm..she did it herself ke??
the bling bling pimping club...
lisa::dear yea lo she stick it all by herself hahaXD..nice hor ??
chris:y u sound like u anti-bling bling one har???=='
I hate bling! so annoying =.=
walao eh... so ... blinged. x_x walao eh..
waye::wa...serious arhx?@@'hmm actually simple bling is nice ma ..XD
stephy::haha she really going to bling the whole thg at first one hahaXD~*
i LOVE golden ball too!
and the bling bling.. i dont like.. haha.. =P
most of the guys hate bling bling geh hor...XD~*
gona try the egg tart soon... looks YUMMY~ =P
by the way when u wana teach me how to do the bling bling stuff =)
dear!!!the egg tart okok onily nehx....when u go travel at hk n macau remember must try!!!!when u go o dear??and and the bling bling ph not mine one ...XD..mine very simply only ..XD..u can go buy the sticker stick de ei!!very convenient de !!=D
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