Things happening around me are bad...
From the severe hair loss incident to the fighting scenes...
I can never sleep well...
Hearing the snoring sounds from the others...'
'm jealous...
I can't let myself jealous so much...
'm the one who don't let myself to fall into the dreams' world...
early in the morning....
'm sitting here , on my everyday-must-sit sofa ...
the fan still spinning~
the torn out reference book still lying on the table~
vehicles drive through sound are so loud outside there~
mummy start her cooking routine in the kitchen~
and left me alone here facing the labtop screen ....
i realized my hair getting lesser each passing day...
i went for hormone checked up...
but i can only take my report by Dec...
i went to pharmacist for consultation...
pharmacists just tell me not to worry so much....
'Hair fall is a normal thing ..they got their season to be fall ... when the old one say tata...the new one will say hi to don't worry ... '
i knew that hair loss is just a more than normal case...
excessive hair loss like more than 135/day is consider abnormal...
and 'm pretty sure that mine definitely more than 135/day....
=.( ...
i started to leave my comb aside which i used to love it so much...
i started to hate mirror...
i started to hate outings...
'm depress everytime i see my hair drops and even my baby hair dropping too...
'm glad that at least there's regrowth ...
BUT they drop too and they not even 1 inch!!!! =...(
i love you , hair...
please please please.....

Use Brandy instead of shampoo. :P
Few weeks ago, my hair also started to call excessively. So i quickly went to change to another brand of shampoo. Luckily the situation is better now. I think U should change to a different brand.
i am having hair lost too...the best way is to exercise and eat healthy. U know the shampoo tat Jackie chan shoot an ad for? Its call Ba Wang. Try tat reduce hair lost wan. I am using tat too^^
i use to be bald too... did u change ur shampoo recently.. but i guess is ur mood la.. mood change ur hormone... CHEER Up babe... i guess u know the reason why u have been moody rite
hmm..i hav the same problem too..i might think that it's the problem of the shampoo previously was when I changed to xxxx hairs fell a lot too..haiz...very complicated dunno use which brand la..
btw, gal..dun be so blue ya..i m sure u will b ok..jz take more rest and live a healthy life ya..smtimes, due to stress..u might face excessive hairs fall too..
well, i will pray for you so that you could get rid of it soo..take k my dear and wishing ya happie day always!!
You know, I am having hair loss too. Whenever I wash my hair, I see lots of hair dropping and stuck at the layer protecting the vent going out the drain. Then I changed to anotehr shampoo brand and bought a conditioner too. Well, so far so good. I used to have long hair, but never longer than Yatz last time. LOL
LOL. Me too. Facing the very same problem. Gawd! We r girls. Very ai sui
i had change my shampoo..but havent see any improvement yet...perhaps will get better soon... i ady used the same shampoo for very long d, come now suddenly this problem occur de nehx T_T~*
not too worried, unless too serious then maybe u need to c dr. ermm.. i'm hving hair fall too, but this is normally long hair gal gal problem wor.. ^^
sabar ok? you know who you can turn to when you emo
omg do u have any remedy for hair loss? I am losing hair too :( :( :(
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