A new age interpretation of this transition posits that...
during this time...
the planet and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation...
and 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era!
A film called 2012 is now released ...
2012 showed a purportedly scientific message suggesting that the world would end in 2012...
the government were not well prepare for the incident...
Are the homo sapiens facing extinction soon in the year 2012???
Let's fnd out from 2012!!!!

This movie is serious DOUBLE thumbs up!!!!
i love this movie !*-*
and not to forget that...
Hahaha homo sapiens! Wat will u do the world is really ending in 2012??
me? this is too sudden..i got lot of things to do !!!T___T ...but i want the most is to be with my family and the one i love !~
I saw FB doing a poll on this too!
I really really DOUBT that the world is gonna end in 2012.. Technology will definitely catch up =)
So r u going for Nuffnang 2012 at tropicana mall tonight? for me i going for the exabytes invites 2012 this sat at 5.30 pm . If u wan , drop me a msg at FB or twitter.
Me: I buy/built a underground bunker take anything i can stuff to survive
sharon:yea..but this phenomenon def happen ..it's just the time method~:(
spec:i watched jor norhx !XD~*
dear~ i got free tickets for this movie via OneFm..hehhe..cant wait for it too...
I saw oldei last night very nice nice lar! :)
wonder who bring u there hor
bbo:NICE HOR!!!!!!!!!! I ALSO LIKETHOVIE VRY MUCH!!!!!!!*-*
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