I am proud to shout out loud that :' I AM A SAMSUNG USER!!'
Not to mention how great and handy my Samsung Note III is for now, let's just talk about what we like the most : FREEBIES!
Samsung Galaxy Life had been hyped up by the free Starbucks.
Now, this is what everybody is talking about-The Starlight Cinema-Malaysia's Largest Outdoor Cinema.
I am a happy Samsung users who always enlightened by the Galaxy Life 's freebies and rewards !
This time, i am collecting my FREE movie pass for the whole entire movie week at The Starlight Cinema!!!

We always envy how great the european enjoy their movie outdoor while enjoying every bits of the nature but now , we can also have our own sweet time here in Bukit Kiara Equestrian & Country Resort ,Malaysia!

It's startinng to get crowded even before the show start. People start to choosing their spots and wait for the movie to start! It's windy and that's exactly how i wish it to be! *-*

After picked my resting spot, i hopped on to MyBurgerLAb to redeem my very first burger from them! It was the longest Q among the others! Just go into your Samsung Galaxy Life and click redeem it an hour before you redeem it! ;)

There're also some others freebies like Gong Cha , Gelato Ice Cream, Pizza Hut, Crazy fries and etc. Just browse through your apps and enjoy every redemption! ;D

This was my first try on this everyone-crave-for burger and I am now planning to visit their shop for more! Nice !*luv*

Can we have variety of yummy foods like this in the normal indoor cinema too? *-* and of coz, not those smelly foods.. =x XD...

It feels like camping , but what makes it better is that we can watch movie on the XXXXXXL screen at the same time !!!
SAMSUNG BABIES!!! go get your freebies now!!!! Here's some simple 1,2,3 steps on how to do the redemption;)

and here's the movie schedule! I have watched the Paranormal Activity and i am thinking to go for another next week ;D

As for next Saturday, you can just ask your date and prepare all the needs and lay back for a movie marathon until 4am in the morning !!! Let the Batman do the job !:D

DOWNLOAD the apps now http://bit.ly/1sbWvae
Check the full movie schedule list HERE
Enjoy !
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