Personally , i admit that i always 'decorate' myself with jewelry especially some necklaces , earings , bracelets etc!
It's my pleasure to meet up with Angie from Kelvin Gems last week and learned to make some Charm Bracelets from her too! =D
Here're some materials needed for the making...
Different type of charms and pearls ...
Cutting plier , flat nose plier , and round nose plier needed .
In progress...
There're all easy steps but it takes lot of patient and creativity to make you very own charm bracelet!
I was wearing a black dress on that day , so i chose the black and gold to match with my dress...
and dang dang!!!
Here's my very first self handmade charm bracelet!!!
I love it sooooo sooooooo much ~~~
Special thanks to our dearest Angie!!!*-*
sweet :)
Wow, that's nice! I wish I could make my own accessories too, but the materials are kinda exp if for personal use. :(
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