'Jingle bell~Jingle Bell~ Jingle all the way~~~~'*swing swing*'m super duper excited with my christmas mood now!!!!
weee~~~~ weee~~~ weee~~~~ weee~~~I always wanted to get married on christmas day or whichever festival that people on earth celebrating together... *-*
*daydreaming*Christmas day, getting married on that day will be really special...
imagine walking down the red carpet with the christmas theme gown under the snowflakes....
WOW!!!! *-*~~~~~
*daydreaming again*#BACK TO TOPIC#Prince Hotel now presented their wedding fair for couples who soon getting married !!!
Special thanks to
Sidney and Shirley for the precious invite!!^-^

i love blink blink!!!!!!!*-*

BigBoysOven presented their very own homemade cakes to Prince Hotel too!!!

The cakes weren't just visual pleasant only...
They are super awesome delicious too!!!!!
i tried and i love the cakes from them!!!!*-*

Antique luxury cars also provided for rent too!!!
How often do we see this in M'sia??
it's really hard to find one...
and i really really want to be in the car one day when i get married!!!#*-*#

Sweet~~~~~~~~~the perfect match!!!*-*

Now ,
let's go to the wedding dinner!!!

Prince Hotel made a review on how they present the food to the guests too!!!
The waitress with the foods will be bring to the ballroom and serve the guests of the floor...

my favourite!!!!

haha i enjoyed the dessert very very much...
and i really love the texture of the cake and when it melt on my tongue *-*...

Halal Sparkling Juice Time!!!!!!!!!!!!=D

Sidney looks so cute!!! XD...

MY TURN!!!!!^-^v...
i don't know why..
i was over excited when the
Cham'alal *the halal sparkling juice* passed to my hand...>.<'
*shake shake*
and POPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=D~

it taste good even it's halal...
*winks*Grab the sweetest and romantic special wedding plan now at Prince Hotel !!!
Check out the
Prince Hotel webpage for more info and not to forget our elegant gowns from
Carven Ong too!!!=D~*