p/s:: it's a Halal event
I was one of the face painter on duty that day...
*thanks to Suresh*
It was a super hot day while everyone was sweating under the hot sun...
waiting for the event call....
We have the clowns to cheer us up XD...
What else to blame ?..
when the clowns need to wear such thick and heavy costumes under the hot sun compared to ours...
and we still see the big smiles on their cheeky face ^-^...
*Neela , Joco , Me*
BUT.. we're in black!!! T_______t
which actually absorbing all the heat wei.... >.<'
they have some activities for the kids ...
and this actually caught my attention...
a game which need the combination of both adults and the children ...
a game which ended up one side happy and jumping around...
and another side will just get wet... XD
They still enjoyed =D.... *winks*
this photo seriously reminded me a lot...
nothing happened untill Neela poped out her question after this photo...
:' What's this har?...'
:'PIG gua!'....
:'.....................................................! '
*everyone looking at me and stunned...*
:' .......ooooo....my.....godness....SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =x'
That's jokes of the day ... =x
After that we were just run back to our camp and start to work XD....
it's a dragon head... XD...
just in case...
you guys can't figure out what it is haha XD...
*with my little cute tigress*
There're two good artist there for us too...
They finished each potrait within 3 minutes!!...
REALLY FAST isnt' it??? @@'
and i got mine too!! =D ~*
The drawing of u is so fat >.<
LOL!! wat to do nehx...my face fat T_T~*
i do participate this type of activity before. it is really fun !!
You're a face painter? Multi talented wei.
That's a pig? o_0 lol...
Wow! U really have fun time:-)
U seem to amazed me coco since u can paint face btw u should join that game too and plus u can get wet too XD
PS: yea that last pix u holding fork and food look familiar XD
got open day also never ajak
The painting doesn't quite look like you le? You so much prettier... :)
Eh, your dress looks so familiar! Oh, I think I had it in my collection too, do check this page http://www.irenelim.com/fashion/2009/11/26/stripes-two-in-one-cardigan-top/
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