Here you see the BFFs !!!
Last Saturday was the most memorable day for the BFFs , some of them even bring back the limited edition Hello Kitty Samsung Galaxy Y each!!!
For those who missed the events, these are some photos on the day itself ;)
How's my kitty look?? *winks*
I was thinking of draw the whiskers at first ... but think think think... later have to go into cinema... so ended up didnt draw....
Super regret after tat T_T....
Guess i let go the Galaxy Y winning chance T_____________T...
These pretty kitties are one of the highlights too during the event ;)
First stop, hair do & make up!!!
I decided to give up on make up due to toooo long Q X_X
so i just went for the hairdo instead... XD
The hairstylists were really fast and effective...
i was Q'ng for almost half an hour but my hair was done in 3 minutes time XD...
After the hair , i went for the kitty manicure!!
Thanks to my cute nail artist on that day, she was so kind to help me paint all 10 finger nails xD...
coz it was supposed to paint 3 only i heard XD...
Hair Done! Nails Done! now what??? THE AIRBRUSH TATTOO!!!!
Well out of those hello kitties tattoos i chose this with the wordings ... looks more yeng XD...
with my sweet BFF *luv*
Congrats to Jess who had walked away the Hello Kitty Samsung Galaxy Y with her BFF !!!!
Especially for those who missed out this event!!!!
Dun look back on how much u missed during the event, because...
Here's the chance for you to win a trip to SANRIO HELLO KITTY TOWN in Johor !!!! WOHOOOOO!!!!!! *-*
Just get your Hello Kitty Samsung Galaxy Y today and take a photo with you very BFF , send in and wait for the good news!!!!! ;D
Find out the great prizes here!!!
any idea how much is one unit of Hello Kitty phone?
if i am not mistaken its around 700-800 one unit o
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