I was the winner for this pageant last year and i supposed to be there to crown the new winner later ... but despite of what had happened all this while , i decided not to attend the final later!
Last year, this time , i was doing the same things as what they are doing right now... busy for rehearsals, woke up early in the morning , rushed to the venue and start all the hectics rehearsals....
There're lot of last minutes changes , but luckily all of us managed to cooperate well and finally put up a good show in the end.
On that night itself, there are more than hundred attendees which included the sponsors, judges, guests and supporters..
There're 30 tickets sold under my name. All 30 friends of mine were there to support me . Again, here i want to say a big thank you to all of you :)... i really happy to have you all by my side...
Back to the final ticket, that time , the ticket was sold for RM 150 each which included a door girft ,a booklet and also a 'FULL COURSE MEAL'....
It was held in KL Live , but FYI, it was totally an unfurnish empty hall by that time . All of the finalists were kinda shocked when we reach there... but yea... luckily... it still look okay after SOME decoration.... :)
RM 150 is not a big burden yet is not easy to take out as a student...
As a student , if we want to spend money while we are studying without any single income , especially in KL , RM 150 is a lot ... like A LOT ... coz personally i only get few hundred monthly for my allowance , if i don't work part time , RM 7 per meal is the max that i can spend... and now... my friends , most of them are students, and they spend this money is not because of the meal itself only but for me... that is why they are there ..
FYI , all the comments i get from all of them were all the SAME!!!
well whatever... the , main point was not the food =)...
All of them were also my witness of my victory on that night itself...
The moment i was crowned as the winner , the MC annouced all the winning prizes that a winner should walk away with... and i believe most of them were quite amazed with the 'PRIZES' and they were really happy for me!!
'The winner will walked away with RM 200k worth of prizes and the crown and septer which worth USD 2.8k and also representing Malaysia to compete with the world in Korea '...
and here's the photo of the crown and septer...
*there are some boxes that cover the pageant name , as i just want to tell the world how unfair isit it to me and I HAVE NO INTENSION TO BLOCK PEOPLE's BUSINESS =)*
After i got crowned and finished, i walked back to the back stage to change , and the person in charge walked in and told me that they have to keep my crown and septer . I was supprised and asked why only mine and not the 1st runner up as well as the 2nd runner up....
She told me that :' because yours very expensive and we have to keep it for you , whenever you need it , we will bring it to you , untill you crown the next winner , only it belongs to you. '
I trusted her.
I brought back home nothing but just a sash and also a green Kao box which claimed that all my prizes are inside the box.... *i kept it untill now...coz i know one day i will need it ....*
here's the box that claimed to contain all my prizes inside it... =)
What is inside the box???
Here they are! =)
PS: There're also some sanitary pads by Laurier and also a cash voucher worth RM 500 from Fabulous Tan. I had used them up :)
Unless my math fail.... or else how come i count for one whole year and i still don't get the right amount like what he had told me?.... hmmmmm....
Oh yea!!!!! Maybe... they even count the Korea trip in XD... haha ...
but ...
FYI again...
It has been one year...
I don't get any news from the organizer about the representative trip ...
Is like...
After the final...
Everything had been forgotten....
I felt like i just woke up from a dream :) a wonderful one.....
I had been asking without concerning about the thickness of my face for so many times about the trip...and what i get is ' i will get back to you' that's it! =)
wait and wait... wait and wait... time flies... one year d.... =)
i think... he must be too busy to source for the details....=)
Dear all,
as we all know , enter a pageant , we have contracts , which shud be written in black and white , and each of the WINNER and the organizer should keep one for reference.
I entered this pageant with a REGISTRATION FEE of RM 50 and also i had signed the agreement , which is a common and also a must thing before you join any pageant.
Agreement did stated there Winners will be bond for a year after crowned and titled.
I respect the rules and i rejected some pageants after crowned.
However, it seems like a joke to me when the 2runner up was appearing in another pageant which is also held by the same event company.
Things go on smoothly and no doubt that she won in that pageant too...:)
It turned to be even more funny when the first runner up were then won in another internation pageant after around 2 months time...
I was so shocked that how can this happened to me??
Why am i so shock??
Because ...
i saw the second runner took part in another pageant and he didnt take any action in it and even give fully support to her, i THOUGHT that oooo.... maybe he is way too considerate for us, as the winner, DON'T GET MUCH PRIZES after winning his pageant...so he allowed us to join other pageant...
I enjoy pageant process. How the girls spend the time together and all..
That's why i say yes to the other pageant organizer when they approached me to join their pageants...
As soon as i entered the audition and my photos posted online ....
The 'X' pageant organizer gave me a SMS saying that i should pull out from the competition or my titled will be take down and they will annouched that i am not their pageant winner anymore or he will sue me for 60k :)
I asked him with full of anxiety....
'HUH?... how come you didnt do anything to the other 2 winners when they actually WON the other pageant and also the second pageant that he organized ????'
He actually ignored me and said that he didnt know about it and he claimed that the first runner up had been pulled out from the pageant due to her grandma passed away...
Well anything... i don't care...
Because, I SEE THE PHOTO MYSELF that she was crowned in that 'Y' pageant and her photos was posted online here and there...
He said that he didnt know about that and he need a prove for it...
and so...
i sent him a photo that she had been crowned...
He said that he will do take action...
What action did you take ? :)
Let's forget it ...
Back to recently...
This 'X' pageant is the second time held in Malaysia .
As i said , i shud crown the winner this year then only i will get back my crown.
I thought i should keep that crown as a remembrance.
As usual , to attend an event , you need to know the details as in the venue , the time , etc...
I wasn't alert with their updates untill one of my friend was actually one of the finalists this year.
If not him, i wouldn't know that when if the final and where is the location and all...
Last month, i did attend their photoshoot event in scott garden...
Before i meet the organizer , i thought we gonna have some hard cold time in our conversation but wow...is not...
We actually have quite a good short conversation ... when all the finalists are around :)...
ok cool....
i asked about my attendance in final and also asked them to let me know as soon as they had arranged everything so that i can arrange my time...
day by day...
weeks by weeks...
i don't get a single msg from them ...not untill the time when they are starting to sell final tickets...=)
Here's the FIRST msg i ever get from them after a year....
I don't know what is the video about and i don't know when are they going to shoot...
and so i called and called ...and called...
nvm ...
i texted them....
and then i thought they are WAY TOO BUSY.... *THEY ALWAYS BUSY =) * so i posted in their page timeline as simple as' pls get back to me asap, thx!'
and still...
and then after i throw out myself by KEEP CALLING THEM EVERYDAY... then only i get this reply from them... and take note at the DATE ....
after i got this msg...
without any delay, i straight call the organizer....
Let's just named him ' A '
I called and called....
'A' did not pick up his phone at all ...
then , i asked my fr who is one of the finalists this year to call him ...
He picked up!
and 'A' said that he didnt get any text msg or call from me ...
WOW!!! I think....
His handphone shud be award as the most GENG cellphone among all the phones...
It knows how to filter ... not bad...*TWO THUMBS UP*
...... =) again.... THEY WILL CALL YOU... basically they are pusing to here and there...
Check the date out.... SERIOUSLY ....
I strongly believe he is too busy.... they are too busy too....
Sponsors keep coming in....
tickets keep selling out....
If for me .... i always very busy lo .....=)
and the story carry on untill today....
I rushed back from penang ....
just because of the final tonight...
I am still being so naive waiting for them to call and reply....
My fr were then called me and passed the phone to the person in charge...
She said that she don't know whether my crown is there or not...
and then passed to 'A' ...
I was being SOOOOOOOOOOO NICE and PATIENT untill this happened...
'A' said....
'Jocelyn, can you please just come here by 730-8pm?? As we are very busy right now....k thx bye.'
I don't even get a chance to open my mouth...
GREAT... for once in my lifetime... i really thick enough to call back and ask ...
' 'A' i am asking you whether my crown ..... * got intercepted by 'A'*
'JOCELYN , can you just come by 730-8pm as we ARE VERY BUSY and i hope you let *my fr's name* to continue his rehearsal?K THANKS BYE!'
And that's it...
This somehow lid up my timing bomb...
Frankly speaking,
I don't need the crown for fame or money as i really don't need it....
All i wanted is to keep as my memory and that's it...
From the beginning , i knew that you all are trying to avoid things ...
For what reason , you know i know...
But please bear in mind that you have no right to behave like this as you are taking the responsibility on it....
To 'A' ...
Human has human's right =)
To all the pageants contestants...
Please know your rights and make sure everything is VERY CLEAR IN BLACK AND WHITE before you joining any of them.
This post is just to release how bad i feel within a year time and i feel better after blasting everything out....