For me, make up is like a boost for our self confidence too! I had been trying out a lot of different cosmetics brands to find the most suitable one for myself... i like to feel differently instead on sticking up to only one style and look...
Kiss Me is one of my favourite cosmetic brand from Japan. Whenever i feel like dressing up with some girly pinkish or cheeky bright colours of outfits, i will definitely go for Kiss Me cosmetics , they definitely make a change and give credits to my kawaii sweetie look!!!
Kiss Me offer a great range of products to present a complete perfect make up. They have lot of different colours and type just for one type of products ,let say for the eyeliner, you can choose from thin to thick or light to dark, so that we girls can choose the best one among all that suits us!
Last week, i was invited to their stop at One Utama and i was lucky to get to meet the famous japanese make up guru who fly down to Malaysia from Japan! *sad that i didnt get to ask for her name*
*bare face! waiting for the great Kiss Me makeover!*
When i step into the truck.. i feels like i am walking into the fairytale scene which we always see in those fairytale stories *-* LOVELY!!!! i LIKE! i can feel the romance and lovely ambiance with all the pinkish Kiss Me products surround me!! For the moment, i feel like a princess who are sooo pampered with all her favourite 'companians' XD...
Kiss Me not only offering cosmetics for face, but for top to toe!! As we see here , it's the hand and nail cream under the 'Kiss Me Heroine Make Series'
Personally, i like the eyeliner from Kiss Me especisally the one under ' Kiss Me Heavy Rotation Series' ! Guess this is the best eyeliner that i ever tried so far!!!=D *i need a new one again, gonna finish my current one soon!*
OH OH YEA!!!!!NOT TO FORGET!!!! The EYELASHES!!!! seriously, i wish my own eyelashes are thick and long... but anyhow... thanks to Kiss Me for offering those gorgeous eyelashes!!! They are just drop dead gorgeous!!!!!! *-* i can't live without them for dreamy effect!!!
Not to miss their lip gloss too!!!
Curious about how those japanese models get their sexy nude lips ? Check this out!!!!
There are a lot more products that you don't wanna to miss out XD...
I think the more i try on their testers , the more my purse gonna shrink !!!
Okie my dearies, guess this is the MOST exciting part of all!!!!
My dear pretties, after reading up my reviews , do u feel like getting some of the products to try on???
Here's the deal!!!
Purchase any Kiss Me product at their make up staion & you stand the chance to WIN iPad 2 OR Kiss Me Hamper products cost RM300!!!! *winks*
1. Experience Kiss Me products at their make up station
2. Take your make over photo and they will upload it to Kiss Me FB page
3. LIKE their FB page 4. Tag your own make over photo 5. Ask friends to vote for your photo
Fans with the highest votes will win following prizes:
Winner :: ONE YEAR supply of Kiss Me products
1st runner up:: Kiss Me hamper worth RM200
2nd runner up:: Kiss Me hamper worth RM100
AND for those participants!!!! REMEMBER to drop by to Kiss Me make up station next weekend!!!