It is a tuesday morning....
it seems like so sunny and peaceful with the company of Olivia Ong's lovely songs....
somewhere in the room ...
there's this girl's soul...(Miss C)
is full with horror and sitting right on her bed covered with her wet blanket...
tears still streaming down her puffy cheeks....
P/S: There's this male blogger (name not stated) appeared in her's really really weird to have him inside ....and there're few unexplainable part ... It's a windy night ~
Miss C , was walking down the empty dark street with him....
*scene changed*location: Miss C 's old house...They slept together....
(super weird one, how come will sleep together one... but the story line did went this way..)the curtains was hanging half on the windows...
They were still sleeping....
someone is singing....
it's a boy...
his voice getting louder and louder....
nearer .... and nearer....
from her neighbour's house...
their bed was exactly beside the windows.....
Everything is so clearly to be seen ...
Miss C started to feel scare...
She knews something wasn't right...
Now the boy's creepy voice was just surrounding them....
it sounds like someone was standing right beside their bed and sing...
He started to feel annoying....
(caused he don't know that 'something' was not right..)He pulled out himself from the warm blanket and almost open his mouth and shout...
He was about to shout to the boy and hoping him to stop the singing...
Miss C stopped him at the moment...
'Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! PLEASE... STOP!!!.... you do not know whats happening....pleaseeeeee...i beg you.....''How am i going to sleep like this ???? he was just so annoying??? i nid to wake up early tomorow!!! NO!.. at least i go out and talk to him....i wonder why the parents don't teach the son...! ' he speaks with anger.........
'THERE's NO ONE IN THAT HOUSE!!!!!!' Miss C shouted in fear...
'...... whh...what?......''There's no one the house.... it's a abandoned house.... it had been almost 2 one!!! no one in .....the house..!!... 'her tears drop... she can't continue anymore....
something were just stucked in her throat...
and he....
couldn't even speak one word now....
they're trembling..
and things getting worse after that...
*silent*the boy's voice gone...
he stopped....
but they heard the stepping sound outside the door....
nearer and nearer....
nothing happen except the sound of the slipper....
it's like from walking to running....
towards them!
*scene change*There're 4 pillows in their bed....
one of them pillow suddenly moving slowly ...
and floating .....
Miss C pulled down the pillow with her hand...
she was so brave for once!
she shouted...
the pillow was still floating....
and what even worse is that his leg can't feel anything now!
'WE HAVE TO GO!!!!.... NOW!!!'but he can't move his lower body at all!!!!
Miss C have to bring him out of them room...
she carried him out using all her left over energy....
the pillow stilll floating....
*scene change*They were now outside her house....
it's raining outside....
but it's not dark...
it's bright outside
(unexplainable why it's bright outside...)he can't move his leg ... still....
she can't find his car....
and she saw one auntie at the other side....
she wanted to ask for help ....
(the auntie seem like very calm.... seems like she can't see what's happening..)thus, she decided not to waste time...
and all she wanted now is to leave this house far FAR away first!!!!
(it was her house.... her old house....she had moved to her new house with her family....she 's now studying abroad... but she used to stayed here for her past 20 years.... this is the first time she feel so scare of her old house.... the empty abandoned house was nothing to her before this... for her, it was just empty.... but not anymore for now...)*scene change*She can't find his car...
He asked her to just run away like this...
but she don't want...
she saw a bicycle...
She trying her best to ride faster...
BUT her right leg can't move!!!...
it happened just at the moment!!!...
she tried to ride with her left leg...
she cried...
and felt soooooo sooooooooo helpless....
untill she saw another auntie....
she asked for help...
The auntie seems like she knows what's happening...
but the auntie seems even more scare then Miss C ....
she just ask her to open her umbrella and everything will be alright....
( another unexplainable part... since when the unbrella was in her hand?? X_X)She did what the auntie told her...
she opened the umbrella...
Here the miracle one happened....
their legs suddenly feel like break out from the frozen ice....
THEY CAN NOW MOVE!!!!...Then he ride the bicycle as fast as he can....
she just hugging him tightly behind with the umbrella open on her right hand....
she don't understand why and how all these happened....
but not the right time for her to think about it now...
all she want was to leave this creepy place as far as they can....
*scene changed*nothing happen all along the way ....
they have no idea where they'r heading to....
but they did passed somewhere which is sooo familiar.....
it was her new house area.....
she felt save now....
she gonna meet her family....
and she knows nothing will happen to her when she is with her family...
'we're safe now.... i'm safe now....' she smile.... tears still dropping... fear still surround her....
he ride at his best speed....
she spotted her new house!!!!!!
it's just right infront them!!!!!
she smile!!!!
*BEEP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*A black mercedes honned them....
they had blocked his way....
*scene changed*They were now right in front of her new house.....
they were stunned....
What they seeing now is...
her dad's mercedes had crashed into pieces....
whole house is sooo dark and look old....
leaves spreading the whole floor....
no one is in the house....
this is the last sentence she can barely hear from someone before she lost her sense and soul....
' they met an accident few weeks ago....'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~