Time flies!!! I know i repeated 'time flies' many times this year in most of my posts, i meant it! I thought i just ate mooncake not long ago >.< ... but in fact, it is been a year since my last bite on mooncake!!


The candles these days are quite hard to light up , cut cost i guess! It took us quite a while to light up alls the tanglungs.
Even the little girl was like blaming us why are we so scare of candles bla bla bla... ok.. i admit, kids nowadays are so talkative and yes they are smart too! LOL...
finally all the tanglung lighted up ! These traditional tanglungs is the credits of the night!

Happy Lunar Festival~~~!!! sincerely from the 'moon goddess' XD

Then, as usual , dinner and have the special dessert of the night! Ice Cream Mooncake from Haagen Dazz !! Luv them to the max!!

My firstime holding a selfie tripod , well, it is memang quite handy and it really gives the wide angle effect ;)

Special thanks to our dearest host of the night! We had another memorable night! :)