First of all , i would like to express my sincere gratitude to Samsung and Manoah for being so caring and concerned of all of us, the 30 bloggers. We had been given LRT access card and we started to travel to the very first destination- Pasar Seni!

It was a really hot day! I admit i am very very scare of walking under the hot big sun, yet it didnt stop me from the marathon, dark jiu dark la!!!!

We were devided into 3 main groups and i was in the Gastronomical Delights of Malaysia group!

Walking into pasar seni, we don't find much foods and so we proceed to Chinatown! =D
In Chinatown, every hawker busy preparing their foods and start their business for the day. This is the golden potato ball stall. The couple was so friendly and they even let us to take every angle of the balls xD..


My favourite!!!

There was a tourist eating the our king of fruits - Durian!! First thing first, instead of asking how he feel about our fruit king, i asked : " Can we take a selfie? "

Somehow , i think that taking a photo with yourself in it is even more meaningful ! That's why selfie is so important among our generation. Oh yea! another selfie with Char Siu Bao!

Chap Fan uncle is the most nice and cute uncle i ever seen!! We were actually followed by group of videographers , the moment he saw us from far farrrrrr away , he already asked:" Is this some kind of TV Show? Lai Lai ! Welcome to take my photos and my stall! Help me promote also har!"
He is adorable!!!

Selfie with BAK GUA!!! Again =D

It was fun !! I had been running around and jumping around for the sake of this shot too!

Next destination we headed of to have our lunch in at Avenue K. Another special lunch arrangement from the restaurant and the food is really delicious !!

I love the outings especially with Samsung NX Mini , i drew a beautiful full stop for the day with high satisfaction of the beautiful photos!!
Model: Samsung NX Mini (flip camera)

Model: Samsung NX Mini (flip camera)
Price: RM1399 ( with 9mm f3.5 lens )
Rm1699 with kit lens
Colour: Black, White , Pink , Mint Green , Brown
Find out more about it at HERE or you can always go to a Samsung centre to ask the friendly sales assistants.

with luv,
Instagram: alayndra