Guess this should be the topic which is commonly heard among the girls' gossips session isnt' it???...
Let's see what Linora have in her mind ;)...
Is chivalry still alive??
I got lotsa differents responses upon this question.
Everything from "chivalry is alive and kicking" to "it's alive but on life support," was mentioned...
Whatever the case is ...
'Chivalry' today is existing in a different form than the old days....
I do stongly agree with Linora's point that men nowadays tends to walked 5 steps infront of the girl while he is holding the girl's hand!! hahahaha i swear i see this almost everyday on the street and the malls...
LOL why is this happening huh???
*suddenly.. a picture of a cow being pulled by the owner popped out in my mind X_X*
Women deserved to be treated well ...
i don't blame men that they are thinking that we women wanted to be treated like strong , independance people.. because, YES, We ARE.
On the other hand, a quality men should AT LEAST know how to look decent whenever he is out to the public ...
Like what she mentioned in the video...
Still don't get what she meant???...
To be exact here it is...!
That's not all!..
B.O. is a big NONO ....
Men a Men....
just simply get a deodarant and get rid of the NONO ... ;)
Please cut your nails men...
long nails look disgusting and soo unhygienic !!! >.<
Even if you are kind enough to offer to spoon feed your girl..
The moment she saw your nails straight lost appetite ! ....
We girls make up used up AT MOST an hour....
but for those who are games addict...
Guys, got it now?=)
Men should meet the quality level by knowing the basic of some household especially a little of cooking skill XD...
Cold water to a instant noodle ???...
Unless you want to eat MAMMEE that had already soaked in water... which is ... YUCKSSS.... go ahead and continue your noodle with cold water....
well well well...
These are just some of the thousands points that a quality men should have...
After all...
Being yourself and gain some improvements is the best of all!!!
well said but that is not true.... mostly. also depends on condition and scenario... tq~
Basically I find the post abit overdoing. I wonder if I should make a post regarding women. LOL
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